zoomstory’s tools are based on our simple communication and learning principle. Popularly we say: In order to walk the talk changes has to move “into the body, pass the brain and out into the world”.
• A certain agenda is bodily embedded in managers and employees while they together create their own video stories about values, visions, goals and challenges - zoomstory guiding the proces.
• The agenda creates understanding when the participants reflect upon and interpret their video stories and the process making them - zoomstory moderating the process.
• The agenda is shared and communicated throughout the organization, when the participant’s video stories are shown on DVD, a big screen, or through Intranet and Internet.
• Another common feature concerning zoomstory’s tools is that they always challenge participants on participants premises, are fun and invites participants to look upon themselves and each other with fresh eyes.
zoomstory’s communication- and HRM- tools put change on the agenda encouraging management and employees to walk the talk through mutual understanding, ownership and development of vital skills and new competencies.
• Danish Veterinary and Food Administration give the employees a genuine ownership to the values of the Organization.
• NNIT holds a kick off which focus on common goals.
• Ambu develops employees’ innovativeness.
• Nykredit enhances employees’ team spirit.
• Albertslund Municipality bridges professionals from different professions.
• EDDA educates managers from the experience industry to use storytelling as a strategic management tool.
HRM and internal communication - Using zoomstory’s methodologies and tools organizations create internal support for change, while they at the same time strengthen
communication and teamwork skills among management and employees.